Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Greg @ Home

Just a quick update to let everyone know that Greg has been discharged and is now resting at home. He's still going to be in therapy three days a week, but he's medically sound. One great thing about being at home in terms of his recovery is that he'll be rehabbing constantly just by doing things we all do every day. He's also still on a significant amount of medication. Greg is on 8 (by Jessie's count) medications relating to things ranging from pain management to anti-seizure.
Medications are a good example of the new challenges being home brings. When Greg was at UPMC Southside, trained professionals were around to make sure he received meds on a specific timetable. Now that he's home, the burden is on Greg and Jess to make sure he's taking everything and isn't accidentally skipping doses or taking too much medication.
Of course, the flip side of being home is that, at UPMC Southside, Greg's main function of the day was rehab, with a lot of downtime. At home, he's constantly learning and testing his limits in conversation, walking stairs, using his right hand doing the things he has to do every day, etc.
Greg will be continuing formal rehabilitation three days a week. We're not quite sure of the schedule yet, but we're confident that he'll continue to improve with outpatient rehab and everything he's doing on a daily basis at home.
Sorry for the brevity. Bigger update when the Rippers have had a chance to acclimate. (not quite as brief now)


  1. Its awesome to hear that Greg is already home. I just know his recovery will continue at an amazing pace and he will be back to the Ripper we all know and love.
    I can't wait for the day I get back home to throw one back with you and watch our sons play and give each other shit just like their dads.
    Take care. -Brian

  2. sweet strikethroughs, r.

    go greg! you're the sweetest big papa i know!

    xo, a
